fredag 7 november 2008


I thinks its crazy that belief rules our countries,, not facts,, we kinduw exchanged religion with beliefs on our systems, and the Gods are those we place our trusts in.
Those, who are responsible for our economy, our politics and our future.
We are so bizy getting on with our lives, trying to earn our way to old age so we don't have time to actually ask our self what the f%¤k are they doing.

If a guy like me know that our economy goes in cycles, each 3-5 years, why did this come this as a .... "Surprise!!!"

" In good times, prepare for bad"

... I Cant get it ... angry ,, Common sense ,, where did that go ?

Its pretty simple,, don't print more electronic money than there is money in the Vault, don't lend out money that isn't there.
Our economy is based on market value, and that is based on belief, not facts,,

Am I the only one who thinks that is scary ?

We are not ruled by ideology anymore, we are ruled by economy.
And our economy is based on belief and our beliefs are shaped by media.
Thus, those who are in control of the media are the true leaders of the world.

Not kings, or presidents or premier ministers ...